While some members supported strengthening tribal values, most favored complete assimilation.
I've always heard that your complete assimilation has made you the most valuable single agent we've ever had here.
There was in the Japanese a strong resistance to the complete assimilation of their kami with foreign gods.
In an extreme case such as Algeria, there might even be an almost complete formal assimilation of administration and government to the metropolitan structure.
"There's a real danger of complete assimilation in a massive Chinese population," he said.
The practice had in any case important consequences, among them the prevention of the complete assimilation of kami practices into Buddhism.
During the present century, the Rothschilds have been characterized by complete assimilation into the European upper classes and regular "marrying out."
Pratt believed that the outing experience would help accelerate his students' progress toward complete assimilation, one of his main goals.
The most drastic way to achieve this end is by the complete assimilation of the individual into a collective body.
This can lead to cross-articulations that seem very much like deletions or complete assimilation.