Their vision deteriorated, progressing to almost complete blindness.
Damage to the primary visual areas of the occipital lobe can leave a person with partial or complete blindness.
Her head turned listlessly from side to side, as though complete blindness had overwhelmed her again.
These diseases, which affect more than 10 million Americans and millions more throughout the world, often lead to severe vision loss or complete blindness.
Low vision does not include complete blindness because there is still some sight.
Ducarel's contribution was seriously impeded by his complete blindness in one eye, and the weakness of the other.
Over a week's complete blindness can do a lot to frighten you out of taking chances with your sight.
There seems to be a complete blindness on the part of the Commission with regard to the problems that exist in that area.
This disease can lead to visual impairment and sometimes complete blindness in one or both eyes.
Even though AMD may affect central vision, it does not cause complete blindness.