As far as the eye could see, clear to the horizon, in every direction, there was nothing but complete and total devastation.
But it was not a scene of complete devastation.
After the explosion, I analyzed the force factor it would have taken to cause such complete devastation.
Not that she was going to let a little thing like complete emotional devastation get the better of her.
A cyclone came across India, over the north of the island and down the eastern side, causing complete devastation.
Yesterday, the scene at the rear of the two gardens was one of complete devastation.
By the end of the war Tajikistan was in a state of complete devastation.
Slowly the dust settled to reveal a scene of complete devastation.
Some, returning to scenes of complete devastation, are in despair.
But was she willing to risk the hurt, the complete and utter devastation, of realizing he didn't love her a second time?