For the individual, prevention consists of ensuring they eat plenty of food, varied enough to provide a nutritionally complete diet.
Here, above, we have teachers who in their different ways are having partial, and perhaps important successes, without offering their pupils a complete diet.
"We give people subsistence - it's not a complete diet - so people slowly get more and more run down," one foreign expert said.
She chooses Ben's food - a dry, complete diet, twice a day - because it suits his digestion and he likes it.
Effect of ascorbic acid intake on nonheme-iron absorption from a complete diet.
It is "a complete and balanced diet for the nutrition of primates," he says.
"For the complete diet send ten cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope."
Within two days of my returning the questionnaire, my complete diet and exercise routine arrived by E-mail.
When Deanna indulges, she makes sure to enjoy it without blowing her complete diet.
They are 2 complete different diets.