But their pleas for complete exoneration are overstated.
Not only a complete exoneration, it proved that he had been pleased by my critique of his "American Harvest" period.
I'll accept nothing less than complete and unconditional exoneration of my client.
He himself was the only one (other than Cunningham himself) who could appreciate the incredibility of what had happened: the car's complete and total exoneration.
They say that anything short of outright and complete exoneration would be an injustice.
The conclusion of this investigation was complete exoneration upon the charge.
Mr. Cisneros said that he would "defend himself vigorously and expects complete exoneration after a trial."
The Clintons have cited the report as evidence of complete exoneration in the matter.
You're disappointed when you don't get complete exoneration," Fleming said.
Known today as the Dreyfus Affair, the incident eventually ended with Dreyfus's complete exoneration.