Upon what other theory can we justify the almost complete extermination of the Indians, the original possessor of all these States?
The complete extermination of the Portuguese was also carried out in Ningbo and Quanzhou.
They developed the "Final solution", the near complete extermination of the European Jews in the Holocaust.
Not physically in the sense of complete extermination, but, genetically speaking, we are descended from "wolves," not "sheep."
However, the tragedy of the experience left Blade more determined than ever to dedicate his life to the complete extermination of vampires.
The second stage will be a total demolition of Old Town and the complete extermination of its inhabitants.
He commands a massive army of cyborgs, his goal being the complete extermination of Laya's clan.
According to him, the only pacific ration possible was the complete extermination of the Camisards.
Even at the much later date on which I write, the ideal of complete extermination has so far proven impossible to achieve.
The phone may not be threatened with complete extermination.