Until today only few of the rare, endangered or extinct-in-the-wild species could be saved from complete extinction by keeping and breeding them in human care.
It hardly seemed possible that only seven months earlier the human race had been threatened with the possibility of complete extinction.
It was more than the sleep of a volcano; it was its complete extinction.
We want the complete political extinction of the Tory Party.
It was clear that the only way to prevent their complete extinction was to create high security sanctuaries.
Disinherited they were, as finally and completely as it was possible for a people to be, short of complete extinction.
Human action on this world prevented their complete extinction by the Senexi.
It was an absolute fight for survival, and victory could come only from the complete extinction of the other side.
Therefore, complete extinction of French Flemish can be expected in the coming decades.
But there was no doubt as to the complete extinction of the volcano.