A facsimile of the Beardsley edition, complete with Malory's unabridged text, was published in the 1990s.
The tribunal's statement was also reported verbatim on the front page of Granma, and a complete facsimile of the original document was printed again on a full page inside the paper.
A complete digital facsimile of the manuscript is available at the website [1].
It was as I suspected, a complete facsimile of this little note could be sent from the hotel office over a telephone wire to David's London machine.
In conjunction with a 2010 exhibition of the manuscript, the Morgan Library prepared a complete digital facsimile of the miniatures and any facing text pages.
This searchable online presentation is a complete facsimile of the six oversized presentation volumes and the seven volumes of secondary school signatures.
The vocal percussion used by most college and professional a cappella groups attempts a more complete facsimile of the pop music that these groups primarily perform.
Warren, The Antiphonary of Bangor: an Early Irish MS. (a complete facsimile in collotype, with a transcription, London, 1893)
Published between 1985 and 1992 the Alecto Edition is the most complete facsimile of the Domesday Book to date.
A complete facsimile was published in 1958, as part of the Ural-Altaische Bibliothek (Ural-Altaic Library).