String theory is a complete farce, and it looks like the LHC will lead theorists into new territory, not the other way around.
But please, real patent lawyers, explain why what you do isn't complete farce.
This is now a complete farce.
It's a complete farce that he has only been slapped a petty sum of £ 1000 as fine as he is now deemed poor ?
I agree with you btw, the European Commission being involved would turn what is already a highly divisive issue into a complete farce.
"The trial was a complete farce," Mr. Crespo said today.
That "review" was a complete farce.
The State Legislature then nudged the matter into a complete farce by allowing the vending law to lapse in March.
This is a complete farce and it will plunge Burma even further under the junta's iron rule.
We condemn the arbitrary practices of the Indonesian authorities, turning the elections into a complete farce.