Harry's countenance was one that showed complete frankness.
He had spoken to them with complete frankness, but they never revealed how their enquiries were progressing.
There was no one here to be feared, complete frankness would serve his turn best with the sheriff.
He tried to speak with complete frankness.
It was the basis of his claim that they should talk to him with complete frankness.
Smith, squirting soda, looked up with complete frankness, and his deep-set eyes were very bright.
I want you to answer my questions with complete frankness and without worrying about any repercussions from your immediate superiors.
At the meeting the serious situation created by the events of recent weeks in the present Czechoslovak territory was examined with complete frankness.
The approach to adopt will depend on the outcome of the investigation, which we hope will be completed with complete frankness.
A confirmation hearing is not a traditional forum for complete frankness.