If only there were some escape, some way of ensuring that what is good could endure instead of this complete hopelessness.
Silent tears poured down Yuki's face, blurring her vision; tears of complete hopelessness.
Roland composed his face quickly, but before he did, Eddie saw a horrible thing: a brief look of complete hopelessness.
He felt depressed, a complete hopelessness.
The area was godforsaken, bleak, an air of complete hopelessness about it.
They carefully did not talk about the complete hopelessness of their position, but here were ruined artifacts and structures, and they yearned over them.
The band is saved from complete hopelessness by its decent-enough musical ability.
Even Bliss, who had seemed utterly broken by the tragedy and in a state of complete hopelessness, had followed the episode with intentness.
His own mind was a turmoil of disbelief, fright, misery, and complete hopelessness.
A surge of complete hopelessness rendered her immobile.