In an effort to maintain complete impartiality, I have assigned a different captain to each item on the agenda.
"The courts offer guarantees of complete impartiality," he said.
The appearance of complete impartiality is essential for an official charged with safeguarding state workers' pension funds.
The second requires that officials act with complete impartiality.
In this way it was absolutely certain that a complete impartiality would reign.
What she didn't care for was something else in his tone-something which seemed to suggest he anticipated less than complete impartiality out of her.
"I can assure you of my complete impartiality."
But her intention to treat all the five men with complete impartiality was defeated by Dale and the engineer.
So what would you prefer: Freedom of expression or complete impartiality in attire?
The mood of complete impartiality is important since you may be in error.