The most painful of these, he warned several times, would be the complete, instant lifting this year of all controls on prices.
Mr. Rashid also said he assumed the United Nations resolution was "a bridge" to a complete lifting of the embargo within six months.
Advocates on the opposite side of the debate, particularly those who demanded a complete lifting of the ban, are not cheering either.
The chairman also appealed to member countries to support the complete lifting of the embargo placed on his country.
After months of opposing a complete lifting of the ban, the Joint Chiefs voiced full support for the compromise.
Those conditions include the complete lifting of the state of emergency in South Africa and the release of about a thousand political prisoners.
It is to be feared that the Commission's decision will pave the way for the complete lifting of the export ban.
For a while there was a complete lifting of censorship, even in newspapers and magazines.
He thought a complete lifting of the ban was the right way to go.