Thinking himself complete master of the present scene, Li Hoang was in no hurry to begin the massacre.
"I am not complete master of all the arts that would be needed."
Both in rucking and mauling they were the complete masters.
"And inevitably for a woman, she is not a complete master of a house, so that comes over in her writing too," he said.
That's one of the things I like about him: he's a complete master of control.
He was chuckling, complete master of the situation, when Zena pulled her stunt.
Had he been alone, Franklin would have been scared stiff, but Don seemed the complete master of the situation.
Little Krell is a complete master, and he's a weapons-master too.
That left them the complete masters of the play area.
It hinted at all sorts of secret knowledge that made him the complete master of the situation.