At this moment, the opera achieves its goal of showing the complete obliteration of an individual.
The victim would be destroyed by the one element that could accomplish complete obliteration.
In fact, there's almost complete obliteration of the nasal spine.
Could The Shadow identify his unknown foes - or would it be complete obliteration?
If wrong, this expedition could mean complete obliteration.
Where complete obliteration had marked the presence of a building, a host of twinkling lights sprang into being.
This leads to narrowing, or in the most severe cases, complete obliteration of the intestinal lumen.
The Patriarch had, already, issued a bull insisting on complete obliteration of the unbelievers.
It's obvious what they want-the complete obliteration of the Human race!
What is the complete obliteration of a tribe of pequeninos compared with that?