Tatge went on to complete his MBA at Ohio University.
After completing the program in which the entry-level business and management skills are taught, students may return to Weatherhead to complete their MBA.
She returned to school in 1999 and completed her MBA at Athabasca University while working full time.
Edge has also been enrolled at Cornell, although it is unclear as to whether he completed his MBA there either.
After completing his MBA, he went on to become a cricketer.
After retiring from the NHL, he went back to school to complete his MBA.
He has worked for the university for six years and completed his MBA this year.
At the time he did only one shoot, and then left the scene for two years to complete his MBA.
In 2006, after completing his MBA, Gaurav decided to pursue a career in music instead of taking up the corporate route.
The following year, she was completed her MBA in Marketing from Barry University.