The company produced a wide array of electrotechnic and engineering systems and also complete industrial plants.
During the next few days Uncle John visited the printing office several times and looked over the complete little plant with speculative eyes.
Easily lost parts that have high potential to grow into a complete plant: Some woody plants like the willow naturally shed twigs.
Under appropriate conditions, each shoot meristem can develop into a complete new plant or clone.
The resulting "transgenic" cells are grown into complete plants.
But occasionally a complete industrial plant is purchased, dismantled and reassembled somewhere else.
The United States Government says the center was, in fact, a complete plant for producing chemical weapons.
Second is the possibility that a plant, complete with radioactive material, could come under the control of terrorists.
Be sure when checking these plants that the new growth is really an offset, a complete plant.
Engineers can use it to model a wide range of process industry applications; from complete plant to individual items of equipment.