A Clear, for instance, has complete recall of everything which has ever happened to him or anything he has ever studied.
In fact, I have complete recall of some 212 ancient, medieval, classical, atomic, and modern dramas.
Frank said, "She's got complete recall and keeps most of his secrets in her head."
Thus, if the mood at the time of recall does not match the mood experienced at the time the event occurred, there is an increased chance that complete recall will be affected/interrupted.
This may lead to memory errors related to the positive details of memories, impairing the accuracy or even complete recall of such memories.
Well, I can't claim complete recall but I do remember 91-92 like it was only last year;-).
She felt it again, in complete recall, bow she had rested against him, her head on his breast, folded close into the curve of his arms, his heart beating beneath her cheek.
It stimulates complete recall.
With an autohypno for complete recall, Brion had no difficulty in mastering the grammar and vocabulary of Disan.
And then in one quick moment of complete recall he remembered.