Unless your home is totally dilapidated, steer clear of a complete redecoration prior to selling: it will arouse suspicion.
"Although I don't suppose you can arrange a complete redecoration while we're here?"
The new dimension to the room necessitated a complete redecoration of the room.
There wasn't anything to be done to the charnel house that had been a bedroom, short of a complete redecoration; I just closed the door on that.
We certainly don't have time here for a complete redecoration, but a little undecorating won't slow things down.
In 1974 came a major refurbishing, and in 1987 a complete redecoration of interior spaces.
Claimed £2,270 for "complete redecoration" and £2,997 in furnishings.
In April 2008, the building began phase 1 of its complete external redecoration (all elevations apart from the tower, which started and finished in 2009).
After complete redecoration, the museum's Callahan Memorial Boat Building is ready to accommodate close to 200 boats.
Every time a tenant moves on, you need a fumigation crew and a complete redecoration at minimum.