He needed four, maybe five times as much simply to complete the network of fortresses.
A further branch is planned for Linwood to complete the suburban network.
The contract with Portland requires MetroFi to complete the network by August 2009.
A capacitor (-j409.82) is needed to complete the network.
In 2007, the Lane Cove Tunnel opened, completing the orbital network.
As of 2012 around 40 km of network has been completed and the city is committed to completing the network in the coming years.
He called on international lawyers and diplomats "to complete the network of treaties that outlaw the use, possession and distribution of weapons of mass destruction."
Leased lines from eight other countries, including France and Australia, also help to complete the network.
In order to complete the network that is currently planned an investment of around EUR 400 billion would be required.
I believe that this agreement completes the network of agreements being negotiated at the moment.