On this day he wanted a tape of the major noon broadcast from the local station, and here is the complete transcription:
Another bore a complete transcription of the funeral home's business card, including the year that it was founded.
Due to lack of space, it was obviously not possible here to provide complete transcriptions of each interview, including the interviewer's questions.
The report, for which you have been asking, has come to hand, and a complete transcription is being sent to your office under separate cover.
He also has a complete transcription of every show, which is great.
Susan Stephens gave a new and complete transcription of the codex in 1985.
This is a complete transcription made up of five, eight bar sections.
Accordingly, she never showed the complete transcription to Joram and Queron.
Canadian Headstones is a project to capture digital images and the complete transcription of cemetery stones.
See the Discussion page for a complete transcription of the copyright notice.