He also made a number of recordings, including the first complete traversal of Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier for EMI, recorded between 1933 and 1936.
The all-Beethoven program, including the Symphony No. 1, begins a complete traversal of Beethoven's nine symphonies in five programs over three weeks, ending on Oct. 3.
A complete traversal of the tree allows to verify the correctness of the program.
In reference to performance or recording, it almost always means the complete traversal of a set of works by a single composer.
Mr. Scott, the music director at St. Thomas, recently embarked upon a complete traversal of the German Baroque master Dietrich Buxtehude's organ works here, parceled out in 10 installments.
In Stuttgart, he has just started a complete traversal of the Haydn symphonies, which is scheduled to take 10 years, running through the bicentennial of Haydn's death, in 2009.
When he moved on to orchestras in the late 1980's, the 20th-century repertory remained his specialty; it has formed the basis of his discography, which includes a complete traversal of Karl Amadeus Hartmann's symphonies.
Gerhard Oppitz in 1989 recorded a complete traversal of the solo piano music of Johannes Brahms on an Imperial Grand.
He began with a complete traversal of "Italie," the second book of "Annees de Pelerinage."
The six Bartok quartets fall conveniently into two programs, so that complete traversals are not uncommon; indeed, they have been performed in single marathon concerts.