The aircraft was a complete write-off, but happily the pilot survived, despite a broken neck, to fly again.
"Sorry I got started," said Emerson, "but it looks as though tonight's going to be a complete write-off."
But the A.20 might have been a complete write-off.
These days we're all used to the idea that any outlay on chairs, tables, sofas or whatever is a complete write-off from the start.
Everything up there's a complete write-off, and most of the first floor's in pretty bad shape.
By this time the wiring was a complete write-off and had to be replaced during lengthy repairs.
And," he added with satisfaction, "the camera is a complete write-off.
Some words are complete write-offs, as Dictate seems to have problems with accents in general.
Although the aircraft was a complete write-off, none of the three crew members on board was hurt.
- No matter of fact they may enjoy a complete write-off with this one.