He was completely besotted with the girl.
"She is completely besotted with the man."
Charles becomes completely besotted by Rachel, and after numerous rebuffs he eventually forges a friendship with her.
Much of the misunderstanding was willful, and she would have to have been completely besotted not to see it.
Mihir is completely besotted by her beauty and, being a family-oriented man, proposes marriage to her.
And it struck him that this was a man completely besotted by a woman he'd been married to for a quarter of a century.
I gazed up at him, completely besotted.
He reaches the top just in time to hear the screams of Evelyn, with whom David is now completely besotted.
He said that Bernard had been completely besotted with this English girl, and would not believe she was dead.
Kelby must be completely besotted with you to put up with it.