Char the skins of the peppers over an open flame or under the broiler until they are completely blackened.
The body of one victim, a young man whose skin was completely blackened, was brought above ground shortly after 8.30 pm.
The front of his shirt was completely blackened, as if a spear of energy had slammed through.
Her body was completely blackened, as if she had been roasted alive.
The front doorway was completely blackened.
The employees of this organisation have completely blackened my name but this chief executive initially refused to acknowledge that its staff did wrong by me.
The underbrush was completely blackened, and the crunchy remains crumbled into ash at the slightest touch.
I noticed that her fingernails were short and that two of them were completely blackened.
His fur was completely blackened, and he coughed up a huge lungful of smoke.
Once completely blackened, the halogen gas is re-introduced back into the bulb.