Today the line between 'business' and 'home' computer market segments has blurred or vanished completely, since both categories of computers now typically use the same processor architectures, peripherals, operating systems, and applications.
But today, between their mysterious reserves, private sales, third-party guarantees and now this, the lines have become completely blurred.
More and more, though, any distinction between the two parties has been completely blurred with both parties contributing in every way to our oppressive debt and regulations.
The scene went completely blurred.
Under oath "But, it is very important to point out that those allegations centre on two or three huge papers in London when the borders between journalism, politics and big business became completely blurred.
In an article in Commentary last November, Natan Sharansky, the Israeli diaspora affairs minister, who was a Soviet dissident, claimed that "the always specious line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism has now become completely blurred."
At that point," Beck revealed, "one eye was completely blurred over, I could barely see out of the other, and I'd lost all depth perception.
Fears of Drastic Change And Memories of Abuse Yet often the differences between research in plants and animals are completely blurred by sensational events.
There were so many of these moments - until her son vomited on the examining-room table, I wasn't quite sure that that emergency wasn't staged, too - that the lines between appearance and reality, Hollywood and the rest of us, became completely blurred.
One morning, he could hardly stand and his vision was completely blurred.