Without the hotel, these groups could cancel completely, they said.
Although the event has not been completely cancelled, the weekend will only be a shadow of what it once was.
If the averaging over f is done with a coefficient different from 1/2, the two terms don't cancel completely.
It was going to be a while at best before the alert could be canceled completely.
We would never have gotten the debts of 23 countries completely cancelled without him.
Delta and Ranger leave was completely cancelled, but they had evening passes.
As of late 2009, the redevelopment has been suspended due to the global financial crisis, but not cancelled completely.
Women's marathon was completely cancelled, because there would have been only athletes from host country Ecuador.
This led to the event, with 1,200 invitees, being completely cancelled - but the city council stuck to its choice of name.
A concert tour that would have been implemented in the spring of 2011 was completely cancelled due to sickness.