The trail also leads to the sinister company that employed the victim, where he was said to have worked in a completely computerized, paperless environment.
The library was completely computerized, since all techni-cal books were published in digital form.
The Sandinista campaign is completely computerized, and we have nothing except our heart and courage.
The Mayor said this ship was completely computerized.
The suit systems are completely computerized and include diagnostic computers for on-the-spot trouble-shooting and field repairs.
By 1987, all but a fraction of Braille production was completely computerized.
It has a catalogue that is completely computerized and organized by subject that allows for perusal of the periodicals.
We think the Siren ships are completely computerized.
Rather, attention has been focused on giving the feel of a traditionally-made anime to a completely computerized production.
The car is completely computerized, knows where it's going, and can deal with any obstructions or emergencies.