The glazed south façade can be completely darkened by means of wooden slats.
The chamber was dimmed but not completely darkened, and inside Stanger appeared to be unconscious.
The upstairs was completely darkened, presumably unoccupied.
At the intersections of some of these lines are small circles, either unshaded, grey shaded, or completely darkened.
Beyond lay another cavern, completely darkened.
The back door, opening into a rear space behind the buildings on the next street, was completely darkened.
Outside, the sky must have completely darkened, though there was no way of telling, since in this room the shades were drawn.
The wings are most often hyaline, but sometimes smoky or dark coloured, or partly infuscated in many genera or completely darkened.
When the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow, it is always in the full phase and it is usually completely darkened.
The big problem was centering the round table in the room and making sure the room would be able to be darkened completely.