It took the economy seven years to completely digest the impact of these tax increases.
Fiber is made up of plant material that cannot be completely digested by the body.
Eating before a blood test, for example, may interfere with the test results until your body can completely digest the food you consume.
However, the fruit's effects are limited, and after the fruit is completely digested, the mind of the consumer reverts to its original state.
These enzymes would be taken from bacteria, molds and other organisms that are known to completely digest animal bodies.
Dead cells disintegrate but are not completely digested, leaving granular particles.
Once he had completely digested the significance of his team's finally getting a victory, McElreavy became serious.
Proteins will be completely digested, if the incubation time is long and the protease concentration high enough.
Then the camel swallows the cud and it goes to the other parts of the stomach to be completely digested.
Their symptoms are usually not seen until 12-72 hours or mainly the day after it is ingested and digests completely,more after eating contaminated food.