Even without the mirrored pages, the result set completely dwarfs the puny number of books published that mention Slovenia.
In 1990 they stood at £16bn, completely dwarfing those of vegetarian products, however loosely defined.
A third squid symbol appeared on the living screen-and this one was enormous, completely dwarfing the others.
I looked again, and saw a gold-spired building that completely dwarfed the government palace.
The small company of members looked completely dwarfed in the vast, cavernous space of the almost empty concert hall.
The four people felt completely dwarfed by the vastness of the scene.
Now I felt completely dwarfed.
He seemed to completely dwarf her.
As I looked through the portholes, I felt completely dwarfed by my surroundings.
The house was massive, completely dwarfing the entire neighborhood.