The long central spike seemed to be completely featureless, a slim column of grey metal.
The face she turned up to him was completely featureless save for the red slash of a mouth.
Eyes like two little candle-flames in the middle of a completely featureless face.
Europa, however, would appear as a completely featureless white orb.
Completely featureless skin covered the head where the eyes and the nose and the mouth would have been.
He stood very straight and listened to the person on the dark bed in the completely featureless night.
The son was baldng hot, and the sea was completely featureless.
He attempts to console the young woman, but when she turns to him, she has a completely featureless face.
It had beveled edges, rounded comers, and was completely featureless.
There was a little foyer there a couple of feet deep, and then a blank black door, completely featureless.