He had not been seriously hurt, but was completely humiliated.
The husband, completely humiliated by this rejection, will not speak out about this miscarriage of justice.
Completely vulnerable; completely humiliated.
Completely humiliated by the emperor Frederico II who had taken Casamassima during the feud led by the Normans, the emperor Enrico VI granted the township to the Massimi family in 1195.
Vanel, completely humiliated, seemed as if he were looking for some deep hole where he could hide himself.
Sherman was mortified, completely humiliated.
Mr. Chirac also stressed his belief that Iran should not be completely humiliated and isolated, but encouraged to become a positive regional player.
The serial was produced with a low budget, and marked a low point in Bacon's career, with Keller recalling that he was completely humiliated.
I am being completely humiliated.