The truth is that aircraft accident investigation should be carried out in a completely impartial and objective manner.
This raised a question among many at the Public as to whether or not he was - or could be - completely impartial.
Their completely impartial attitudes let her know they would be weighing not only everything she said, but how she said it.
The volumes fall short of completely impartial history, though.
There is sometimes a risk that supplier testing may tend to be self-serving and not completely impartial.
Max could keep the countryside-she felt alive in the city, with its constant hum of energy that nonetheless managed to remain completely impartial.
But he also said, "To be completely impartial is to be an idiot.
However, you should consider finding an external mediator so that both you and the employee can trust them to be completely impartial.
Though, of course," she added, as one being completely impartial, "the snoring is nice, too.
I do know, however, that this mission will require those conducting it to be completely impartial.