It completely invalidates Vacher's theories and means that Ládin was actually a genius.
In some cases, the mistake completely invalidated the studies' findings, she said.
Obviously, this completely invalidates the use of a watch as a compass.
While certain actions can be taken with any given piece of hardware that will void the warranty, they can't completely invalidate the warranty for any reason.
According to the ruling of Maimonides (Laws of Tefillin, Mezuzah and Torah Scrolls 10:1), any error regarding a parashah completely invalidates a Torah scroll.
Maimonides' strict ruling that any error in the parashot completely invalidates a Torah scroll led to a major halakhic debate that continues to this day.
Depending on the software package, this may completely invalidate the information provided by Installwatch and thus any program that depends on it (such as CheckInstall).
If this scientist is correct, it completely invalidates the claims in this article.
There are several acts that completely invalidate the vault and result in a score of 0.
It does however, completely invalidate the earlier story The Undertaker had told about the events of the fire.