A single-track road down to the rocks was closed when it became completely jammed with traffic and an enterprising farmer is now charging visitors £1 each to park in her field.
"The Borg have completely jammed all frequencies," he whispered in his Andorian rasp.
She - who'd always prided herself on her clear, incisive brain - was now finding that her thought processes seemed to be completely jammed.
The entire assembly is completely jammed.
The mechanism seemed to be completely jammed.
It is no accident that Mr. Stevens's next class - the day before he stages an audition - is completely jammed.
They had the middle completely jammed up and our offensive linemen weren't getting the chance to get on their blocks, sustain them and drive.
Completely jammed.
The driveway was completely jammed with black limousines.
The stadium was completely jammed for the final match.