She watched him leave the room, completely mystified as to what this was all about.
Some borrowings completely mystify the non-Hebrew speaker.
Holtz said in a statement he was "completely mystified" at that remark and that Davie "never said anything but positive comments to me personally."
Just when you think you understand him, he does or says something completely mystifying.
This she carefully grafted onto her Chicago enunciation, creating a novel speech pattern that completely mystified our relatives and friends.
We'll do our job and then run for home, and with luck we'll leave Velteyn completely mystified about where we've gone.
Now that it is doing other things - and doing them in ways that completely mystify him - Hiroto has become edgy.
"It completely mystifies me that a country that is in such need of foreign investment would treat a potentially lucrative business this way," Mr. Lewis declared.
There have been a lot of sideshows on issues that completely mystify the jury.
He'd had the Keldara plow and gravel a large area, completely mystifying them, but it now gave the six tractor trailers room to maneuver into place.