When the airway becomes completely obstructed, it causes sleep apnea, an interruption in breathing that can have serious health consequences.
The structure is located at the crossing with Via Altinate and, lying underground, completely obstructed from view by the modern pavement.
Eventually, the corridor is completely obstructed, forcing them to turn back.
symptoms depend on whether the cervical canal is partially or completely obstructed and on the patient's menopausal status.
The main facade was obstructed completely by a piazza and a tower of recent construction.
A windowsill that faces north, or is completely obstructed so that it has no direct sun but only bright light, is most challenging.
(Also, if the view is important to you, make sure yours isn't partially or completely obstructed by lifeboats!)
If the bronchiole is completely obstructed, atelectasis occurs: the alveoli of the lung collapse.
Lung tissue distal to a completely obstructed bronchiole often does not become infected.
A windowsill that faces north or is completely obstructed by other buildings is typical.