The solid waste impacts may be more than completely offset by the gasoline saved from avoided trips to the video store.
And so the bigness is completely offsetting the increase in data transfer rate.
It will be noted that the improved visibility of this warning light does not completely offset the increased tendency to make an error during the night.
This would not be a significant break and he could use the earlier 2 years of coverage to completely offset the preexisting condition exclusion period.
It is therefore very unlikely that any particular uncertain prospect can be completely offset by purchasing a future.
This feature of the law completely offset the Federal work requirement in states where the caseload dropped more than 30 percent from 1995 to 1998.
He also said that a plan could not add to the federal deficit, with every bit of new spending completely offset.
The budget law requires that all tax cuts be completely offset by tax increases or spending reductions.
He said the new scholarships would completely offset the increases for lower-income students.
That does not completely offset what the firm has lost on the common, but it helps.