In order for their compulsion to work, it would have to be strong enough to completely override my superego and will.
Hawk ineluctably concludes that Victoria, despite her efforts, has probably failed in both these attempts as her youth, handsome looks and natural ebullience completely override any conscious effort of plain-mannerliness.
I think Automatic For The People and the post-"Drive" materiel will completely override Murmur and Life's Rich Pageant, sadly.
There was dismay in him that completely overrode the enormous respect he had always had for the Machine.
And so, for example, there will be an IP address or maybe a domain name and even a port number that essentially completely overrides the connection level part of this dialogue.
Because neuroception can completely override the effect of stress hormones, fear of flying can be controlled by linking the noises and motions of flight to neuroceptive signals that calm the person.
With the Boeing 777 model airliners, the two pilots can completely override the computerized flight-control system to permit the aircraft to be flown beyond its usual flight-control envelope during emergencies.
The stench slapped over them with a force completely overriding any images of dust-shrouded sun, crystal blue ocean, or pearlescent sand.
This presynaptic effect is predominant and completely overrides the vasoconstrictive effect of the receptors in the vascular smooth muscle.
"Whatever was done to it either wasn't finished, or it isn't able to completely override the redundant safeties in its programming."