By the end of 1256, Uryankhadai had completely pacified Yunnan.
Despite the fall of Pyeongyang, most of the territory of Goguryeo was not completely pacified and under Tang influence.
At that time, Zhang Zhao (another official under Sun Quan) was also present, and he objected, "The territories in Wu have not been completely pacified yet.
By January 1992 the RUF had completely pacified the district and the local conscripts had returned from training to help maintain order.
By 1256, Uryankhadai, the son of Subutai had completely pacified Yunnan.
The area was not completely pacified until 548, but remained peaceful thereafter and enjoyed a measure of prosperity.
Only when the Empire has been completely pacified and the people have reverted to their peaceful lives, can we truly enjoy ourselves.
The guests must be persuaded to return to the restaurant, where it is imperative they be served with a more than satisfactory meal and be completely pacified.
The area had only a few years ago been completely pacified, and had suffered greatly during the long Gothic War.
According to Rilbur Rinpoche, Je Phabongkhapa was always gentle and never got angry: "Any anger had been completely pacified by his bodhichitta."