They completely ruled the coastal waters of Nordsbergen.
I wouldn't actually completely rule it out.
Such sentiments were exacerbated when George did not completely rule himself out of a possible race.
They completely rule their own destinies.
Apparently, it's meant to represent the military-industrial complex, which back in 1971 was still a quaint idea yet to completely rule over people's lives.
He got as far as the park before the Power ruled completely.
Only then could he rule completely, burning and killing his way in all directions until he was absolute ruler of all he surveyed.
The Priests of Vkandis had things so completely under their hands and wills that he couldn't imagine a ruler who didn't rule completely.
He did not completely rule out qualified majority voting on foreign policy issues.
She couldn't completely rule that out, much as she might have liked to, but at the moment it didn't really bother her all that much.