The precedents establish, however, that speech within the rights of adults to hear may not be silenced completely in an attempt to shield children from it.
Petitioners for justice over land-grabs and police abuse are ...well, further abused or completely silenced.
Like his boots, which had sounded so clearly on the hard chapel floor, the jewelry could be silenced completely.
Reading Ramana's words for the first time completely silenced him.
Damian sat down slowly in his place, completely silenced by the rebuke, staring at Gawain as if he were trying to understand the thought-processes which had led up to it.
It took until the end for them to be silenced completely and to send them into the night in search of further New Year's Eve revelry.
Hartman's field goal, a line drive, completely silenced a partisan North Carolina crowd which had earlier booed the decision to go for the tie.
Hobart paused, and enjoyed the sight of Pedar completely silenced, for once.
With these machine guns he completely silenced the battery in front of us.
When Terry Pendleton doubled one out later, the fear that Morris would possibly eliminate the Braves once more by completely silencing them was gone for good.