Completely stumped, the police even listened in passing to a West German psychic who insisted that the killers were two Italian brothers.
Captain Flannery is completely stumped, though of course he won't admit it.
Confronted with dollar signs, fractions and decimal points, Shukria was completely stumped.
Everyone was completely stumped.
But now, with the cold war over, he seems completely stumped by the need for leadership to move the country out of economic stagnation and spiritual unease.
The father paused for a second, completely stumped, and replied, "Um, because they turn and they're stylish!"
In other words, they are completely stumped.
It was the next garble of guttural language that had completely stumped her.
She was completely stumped by two items about the leasehold barn's management company and its ground rent.
If you think the crash may have occurred within the reef, I'm completely stumped on what you can do.