They weren't prudish, but if he walked completely unclothed into Rendezvous, he would cause a different sort of stir than he intended.
The victim was completely unclothed at the time she was shot.
They were brown and reddish-skinned and completely unclothed.
She felt absolutely helpless and extremely vulnerable standing completely unclothed under his watchful eyes.
"I do not believe that anyone has ever seen a completely unclothed ghost," Rosa said.
The ladies are completely unclothed.
She was completely unclothed, only blood to cover her nakedness.
An abandoned woman, completely unclothed, strangled on Colonel Bantry's hearthrug.
She was a vivid, fearless presence in the physically demanding role, which required her to perform one scene completely unclothed and covered with bruises.
The young woman herself, completely unclothed above the waist, covered by water below that, waved at Valdemar from midstream, no more than an easy leap away.