Spock's curiosity could not be suppressed; he was too reliant on information to formulate some strategy to deal with the situation, to be kept completely uninformed for much longer.
It was saving my life but keeping me completely uninformed.
Their counselor was Madeline Pera-Floyd, Planned Parenthood's director of abortion services for San Mateo County, who discovered they were "completely uninformed" about birth control.
The soldiers seemed completely uninformed on the subject.
Throughout his time at Namsos, he was left completely uninformed of what was happening elsewhere in Norway.
While nothing was to be read in his expression or in his eyes, the lieutenant to whom he had been talking had been an interested, if completely uninformed, witness to many such Lensed conferences and knew that they were usually important.
Stanford University professor Umran Inan told Popular Science that weather-control conspiracy theories were "completely uninformed," explaining that "there's absolutely nothing we can do to disturb the Earth's [weather] systems.
I'm another in the "Very interested but admittedly completely uninformed" category.
This is a completely uninformed opinion, but compelled speech probably has to serve a compelling government interest in order to pass first amendment muster, and propagating ill informed hysteria is probably not a compelling government interest.
Both Canada's Conservative government and the Liberal opposition condemned the "completely uninformed and ignorant remarks".