These shocks completely unnerved three grenadier battalions and triggered a mass surrender.
This talk of troops searching for them and sneaking about in the slumber-time and hiding completely unnerved him.
His virility was potent and completely unnerved her.
Mr. Topper, completely unnerved, rushed to the door and looked out.
That frightening telepathic impression completely unnerved him and he bolted toward the house.
He had fought trolls and goblins, but these horrible clerics completely unnerved him.
It was only a cat that had run across the road, but I found myself completely unnerved.
The woman's strange reaction completely unnerved him.
Like the day in the bowling alley, there's something completely unnerving about hearing fear in Nora's voice.
Sometimes he went so long without speaking as to completely unnerve the person across the table.