Dora was completely unrepentant.
It's against this backdrop that the returning Mr. Lay - completely unrepentant, still purporting on "60 Minutes" that he's an innocent victim of others - could be the Democrats' new best friend.
Houston grinned, completely unrepentant.
Back in California, completely unrepentant, he's still beating the gp120 drum.
When reproached later for her behavior by the host of the party, Tia had been completely unrepentant "She was being rude and nasty," Tia had said.
Doc Fraser was the last to show: a full eight minutes late and completely unrepentant.
I'm completely unrepentant.
He was put on trial which cause a sensation as he appeared in open court completely unrepentant.
He is completely unrepentant.
He shrugged, completely unrepentant.