I created and ran a few such processes (as root), but stopped them before the system became completely unresponsive.
Chakotay shook his shoulder, but the ensign was completely unresponsive.
She is completely unresponsive to stimuli, and I am baffled as to the cause of her state.
He was definitely solid, no ghost, but completely unresponsive.
His periods of withdrawal are getting longer, and he is completely unresponsive to me.
The Ford Motor Company has been completely unresponsive to my complaints.
The controls shook violently, then turned mushy and completely unresponsive, then seemed to freeze.
A deadlock usually leads to a program becoming partially or completely unresponsive.
The muscles may contract uncontrollably, become weak, or be completely unresponsive.
Spock was breathing, his eyes were open, but he was completely unresponsive.