The garment was made of cured animal skin, and was completely waterproof.
These shoes and boots, which come in bright colors, are either water resistant or molded without seams to be completely waterproof.
The mine is completely waterproof and does not float.
This is literally a waterproof tape applied to all seams, and is completely waterproof.
This has been necessary due to the fact that while my safe at Miskatonic University was more or less fireproof, it was not completely waterproof.
It's completely waterproof and is formulated for use with sensitive skin.
The covering had remained completely waterproof.
The mine is completely waterproof and can be laid in shallow water.
On the other hand they are usually more breathable and comfortable, thinner, and cheaper than completely waterproof materials.
The cloth was completely waterproof; Haplo knew, he'd tested it.